Tutor Business Mentoring & Training Membership 

Tutor Business Mentoring & Training Membership 

Taking Your Tutoring Business to the Next Level, One Step at a Time

The Tutor Business Mentoring & Training Membership is designed to help tutors run their own successful independent tutoring businesses. This membership provides personalised mentoring, practical business training, and a supportive community tailored specifically for tutors looking to grow and succeed.

Key Features:

Personalised Mentoring:

  • Flexible one-to-one mentoring sessions, booked at convenient times.
  • Focus on overcoming challenges, building confidence, and developing practical business skills.

Comprehensive Training:

  • Monthly training sessions on various aspects of running a tutoring business.
  • Accompanied by comprehensive e-guides to enhance further learning.

Community and Support:

  • A supportive private Facebook group for ongoing peer-to-peer support.
  • Monthly social events (digital staff room) designed to build a sense of community.

Empowerment Focus:

  • Emphasis on enabling tutors to overcome barriers and develop a positive mindset.
  • Practical advice on technology, online teaching, business management, and setting appropriate fees.

Membership Levels

membership structure

Essentials Membership:

It is ideal for tutors who need essential training, resources and support at an affordable price. It is a way to dip your toes into a supportive community.

What You Can Expect:

  • Access to monthly Business Training Sessions, including the recording afterwards
  • Community support through a private Facebook group
  • Monthly social events for networking and camaraderie
  • Additional training materials and e-guides
  • Discounts on Coaching or Mentoring Calls and Additional Training Workshops.
  • 2.5 hours of live support each month

Core Membership:

The Core Membership is designed to be the bread-and-butter for most tutors, providing comprehensive training, resources, support and mentoring.

What You Can Expect:

  • Everything in the Essentials Membership
  • Monthly One-to-one Mentoring Calls
  • Further discounts on Coaching or Mentoring Calls and Additional Training Workshops.
  • 3.5-4.5 hours of live support each month

Ultimate Membership:

Designed for tutors who want access to high-value services and exclusive benefits.

What You Can Expect:

  • Everything in the Core Membership
  • Additional monthly Strategic Coaching Calls
  • Full access to all Training Workshops
  • 5.5-6.5 hours of live support each month

How Will These Services Help You?

Feel Supported: The Facebook group and the monthly social meeting aim to reintegrate you into a team, offering a supportive community and a united front to overcome challenges.

Overcome Procrastination: If starting a task has ever been challenging, this is your opportunity to stop hesitating and become more decisive. Ongoing accountability support in the Facebook group and in the 121 Mentoring Calls will help you start to complete tasks, making you feel good about it, too!  

Prioritise Tasks: Are you struggling to identify which tasks are more urgent? The 121 Mentoring Calls will guide you in effectively prioritising your tasks.

Manage Time: Battling with time blindness? The 121 Mentoring Calls will assist you in more accurately estimating the duration of tasks and determining how many subtasks are involved.

Boost Confidence: As you take small steps forward, you’ll start to trust in your abilities, leading to a noticeable boost in your confidence levels. 

Boost Motivation: The group’s collective energy will offer the motivation necessary to undertake changes that might otherwise feel overwhelming when faced alone.

Streamline Business: Monthly live business training sessions on social media, software, and automation will help you reduce admin tasks and focus more on teaching. These sessions will provide actionable strategies to make your business operations more efficient.

Enhance Efficiency: Receive practical advice and tools to automate processes, making your business operations smoother and more time-effective. This includes learning to use software that simplifies scheduling, billing, and communication. 

Increase Knowledge: Stay updated on the latest trends and best practices in the tutoring industry, ensuring that your business remains competitive and innovative.

Expand Skill Set: Gain new skills in areas such as digital marketing, financial management, and customer relationship management, which are crucial for running a successful tutoring business.

Details about the services included

Facebook Group

All membership levels will have access to a private Facebook group, which serves as a digital staff room. This group will foster camaraderie and allow members to:

  • Ask questions at any time
  • Access bonus content
  • Access the training resource library
  • Participate in discussions
  • Network with fellow tutors
Facebook Group image


Live Training Sessions

The membership focuses on running a small, solopreneur tutoring business. All levels of members will have access to the membership Live Training Sessions, which will be business-focused and aim to enable tutors to run their own independent tutoring businesses effectively. 

These sessions aim to enable tutors to move away from big agencies and become independent tutors. They will cover business aspects such as:

  • Business strategies
  • Pricing strategies
  • Marketing and branding
  • Client acquisition and retention
  • Managing finances
  • Time management
  • Building a professional online presence

These meetings will take place in all 12 months of the year. 

To see more details about these Live Training Sessions, click here.

Social Meetings

All levels of members will have access to these monthly sessions, which will provide a social and networking opportunity akin to a live “digital staff room” to reduce the isolation felt by solopreneur tutors. 

A relaxed and social meeting will enable genuine connections to be made, building on comments and posts made in the Facebook Group during the month. Previous clients have asked for a social element that isn’t entirely business-related, and this social meeting will fit that brief. 

The meetings will be held in the evenings after most tuition has finished. This will enable anyone who has a day job, such as still teaching in a school or alternative provision, or in fact, in any role where they are unavailable during the main daytime hours, to still be an active member of the membership.

These meetings will take place in all 12 months of the year. 

121 Mentoring Calls

These individual personalised mentoring calls are included in the Core and Ultimate memberships. Essentials members can purchase them at a discount rate, and additional paid calls are available for Core and Essentials members.

Flexible one-to-one mentoring sessions can be booked at convenient times throughout the month, with both daytime and evening sessions available.

Focus on overcoming challenges, building confidence, and developing practical business skills.

While the primary focus is on mentoring and providing structured opportunities for collaborative problem-solving and overcoming challenges, we also have the flexibility to utilise these sessions in any suitable way if deemed appropriate and necessary. These sessions will address individual business or personal challenges members face that impact their ability to run their businesses as they desire. 

Furthermore, I set small, achievable goals for each member to work on during the week and month, promoting accountability and progress towards individual objectives. 

A second Mentoring Call will be available for Core and Ultimate members during certain months of the year, during school terms, and in longer months such as September, November, January, March, and June.

Strategy Coaching Calls 

These 2-hour Strategy Coaching Calls are exclusively available to Ultimate members only, although Essentials and Core members can purchase these sessions at a discounted rate compared to the public website price.

These flexible one-to-one Strategy Coaching Calls can be booked at convenient times throughout the month, with both daytime and evening sessions available.

What do you get in a Strategy Coaching Call?

Because you are a member, I will already know you and deeply understand your business and what makes it tick. I’ll also be attuned to any personal difficulties you may have that are creating blocks and sabotaging your ability to move forward with your business development and reach the stage you wish. I will understand the realistic things you can implement and the things that are currently outside your grasp due to time constraints. This means that before a Strategy Coaching Call, I will already know quite a lot about what’s happening. In your one-to-one mentoring call, you can explain anything specific that you want to work on in the Strategy Coaching Call. For example, you may want help, support, and advice on how to move your business forward and which services to consider developing and offering to clients. You may also seek strategic advice on the order in which to develop your services and how to analyse which service should be focused on initially. 

In these strategy calls, I can help you think more analytically about what you offer, why you offer it, what you could offer instead, and, most importantly, how that matches not only with your own natural skills and abilities but also what potential clients actually need.

Depending on the focus you want in your strategy call, I may do some additional research in advance, which we will use during the call. I may also do some additional research afterwards and send it to you. These strategy calls are not at the same level of service as my Standard Coaching Package, which always includes pre- and post-research and extensive reports. However, it is possible to purchase an additional Standard Coaching Package at a discounted rate if you would also like that full service.

It is also possible to have these Strategy Coaching Calls as two 1-hour calls if your time is restricted and you would prefer to split the Strategy Coaching Call over two shorter appointments. 

Training Workshops 

In addition to the membership, there will be separate Training Workshops focused on teaching and learning. These workshops will cover topics such as:

  • Maths and Maths Anxiety
  • Neurodiversity 
  • Effective Strategies for Teaching Neurodivergent Students
  • Dyscalculia and ADHD
  • Using Manipulatives and Teaching in a Practical, Visual Way
  • Effective Methods for Online Tutoring
  • Identifying and Filling Learning Gaps

These Training Workshops can be purchased at a price discounted from the public price. Ultimate members will receive these Training Workshops included in their membership price. In the future, a few Training Workshops may be offered as Premium Training Workshops. These would not be included within the Ultimate membership; however, Ultimate members could purchase those Premium Training Workshops at a discounted price compared to the public price.

How many of each service will there be each month?

We will have a monthly Live Training Session and a Social Meeting, which are available to all members. 

The dates of these meetings may vary month to month depending on the calendar but the Live Training will usually be held during the first available working week of the month. The Social Meeting will usually be two weeks after that. 

In September, November, January, March, and June, there will be 2 Mentoring Calls for Core and Ultimate Members.  In all other months, 1 mentoring call will be included. All calls can be booked in any of the working weeks.

Note: Summer Changes

July 2024: The Live Training will not take place until week 3, which starts on July 15th.
The Social Meeting will be in week 4 w/c 22nd July.
The 121 Mentoring Calls can be in any of those four weeks or rolled over to August if you join late in the month.

August 2024: The Live Training will not take place until week 2, which starts on August 5th.
The Social Meeting will be in week 4 w/c 19th August.
The 121 Mentoring Calls can be in any of those two weeks or rolled over to September if you join late in the month.

September 2024 onwards: The events will revert to the standard pattern of weeks 1 and 3 for the Live Training & Social Meetings and the Mentoring or Strategy Calls in any week.

Jackpot Maths & 
JMB Educational Services 
Training Weeks  

Community Ethos

💖A Safe Space for Growth and Trust 💖

As we journey together in our Tutor Business Mentoring & Training Membership, I want to share our community ethos that combines heart, honesty, and trust.

🌟 Support and Celebrate: This is our space to cheer each other on. Every small win, every big leap – they all matter; let’s cheer each other on. Let’s be each other’s cheerleaders, offering a kind word or a listening ear when needed. Your achievements are our joy!

🌟Be There for Each Other: Do you have advice or a kind word to share? Share it! If someone needs guidance or reassurance, let’s be their support system.

🌟 Authenticity and Honesty: Here, we embrace real talk. It’s all about being genuine and honest here. Be yourself, share your true stories, and don’t be afraid to show vulnerability. This authenticity is what will make our group special.

🌟 Trust and Confidentiality: Now, let’s talk about trust. We’re all here to share, learn, and grow. Whether it’s business strategies, personal insights, or our deepest aspirations, know that this is a safe space. It’s crucial that what’s shared in our group stays within our group. Your secrets, business details, and dreams are safe here. It’s all about trust and respect.

🌟From Me to You, a Promise: I’m Judy, your guide on this journey, and I’m here to support and mentor, not to compete. Every bit of information you share with me stays confidential. Your trust is my top priority.

🌟 We’re in This Together: It’s not just about keeping things confidential; it’s about respect. Let’s be mindful and ethical with what we learn about each other – no, using someone else’s insights for our own financial gain.

🌟Agreeing to Our Values: By joining this wonderful group, you agree to uphold these values. This will make our community not just a group but a sanctuary for growth, learning, and mutual support.

Together, we’re building a unique space where every one of us can thrive, feel secure, and express our true selves. Our group is a sanctuary for growth, learning, mutual support, and genuine connections.

I’m looking forward to our amazing interactions and the incredible journey ahead of us. Let’s grow and thrive together in our beautiful community!

If you would like to discuss Coaching, Mentoring, training or the membership scheme and have further questions, please book a free call with me:

Live Business Training Sessions

Upcoming Live Business Training Sessions

If you want to dip your toe into my training, why not book yourself onto the next session focusing on running a small, solopreneur tutoring business? These live training sessions are business-focused and aim to help tutors run their independent tutoring businesses effectively. To see the upcoming events and book your place, head to https://jackpotmaths.eventbrite.com. Or follow over to the main page for a more in-depth explanation https://www.jackpotmaths.com/training-courses/

Service Agreement