Training Courses

Live Business Training Sessions

If you want to dip your toe into my training, why not book yourself onto the next session focusing on running a small, solopreneur tutoring business? These live training sessions are business-focused and aim to help tutors run their independent tutoring businesses effectively. To see the upcoming events and book your place, head to

Live Business Training Sessions

These sessions aim to help tutors to move away from big agencies and become independent tutors. They will cover business aspects such as:

  • Business strategies
  • Pricing strategies
  • Marketing and branding
  • Client acquisition and retention
  • Managing finances
  • Time management
  • Building a professional online presence

These meetings will take place in all 12 months of the year. 

Structure of Live Training Sessions:

These live training sessions are structured, addressing dilemmas that typically hold us back. 

They will take place on Google Meet and include 60 minutes of relevant industry-specific training plus up to 30 minutes of a Q&A session to help you make the most of the content. 

Each training session will have a unique Google Meet link, which you will receive in advance. Since the meetings are on Google Meet, you will receive Google Calendar reminders, including the link. 

These training sessions will be marketed via Eventbrite to other Tutors and Educators, who can then click and buy tickets to the event.

Each monthly session will focus on small-time tutors' issues in running their independent businesses. 

You will receive an e-guide to accompany the training session. The session will be recorded, and you will receive the recording link. If you cannot attend the training, you will still receive the recording link. If you attend as part of the Membership the links will also be posted in the Facebook Group as part of the training and resources library. This means you will also gain access to the previous training and resources.  

This training is also offered as part of The Jackpot Maths: Tutor Business Mentoring & Training Membership. Click here to learn more about joining the membership to benefit from monthly training sessions like this, plus 1-2-1 Mentoring Calls, a social evening, Strategy Coaching Calls and a private Facebook group for ongoing support to empower you to become an independent tutor who can thrive!

Teaching and Learning Training Courses

Jackpot Maths training courses on how to more effectively help support pupils who are experiencing Maths Anxiety and those who are Neurodiverse have been launched. 

If you are yet to buy one of the 3 self-paced Tutor training courses already available, there are -

👉 Manipulatives Course

👉 Maths Anxiety

✔️ Introduction to Maths Anxiety

✔️ Deeper Dive into Maths Anxiety

Enrolling now means you will have these new strategies in your toolkit, ready to implement straight away to hit the ground running in the New Year! 

Tutor specific training courses sign up for my latest courses

The courses currently available are:

🟢 Introduction to Maths Anxiety
🟢 Deeper Dive into Maths Anxiety
🔵 Introduction to Using Manipulatives to teach Maths

I am so excited about my Training Products: The ‘Introduction to Maths Anxiety’ and 'Deeper Dive into Maths Anxiety' Courses!

This training is for you if:

⭐ You are a tutor who is committed to improving your skills and knowledge - and wants to be able to help more children access Maths.

⭐You want to be able to support your struggling learners with Maths who don’t fit the ‘norm’.

⭐ You struggle to find the correct strategies to help pupils with Maths Anxiety, and you wish that you could unlock their potential.

⭐ You’d love to learn more and have tools in your kit that you can use straight away to break down barriers to learning.

These products have been in development (in my head!) for such a long time and are a culmination of years of teaching and tutoring -  developing strategies that really, really work! I’ve finally developed it into this breakthrough training product, helping tutors open up the world of Maths to those who experience Maths Anxiety.

The courses have been well received, and happy participants are leaving their feedback already!!

Judy is fantastic - very knowledgeable. The online material was easy to follow, and the bonus mentoring call was incredibly useful, and full of helpful advice.

To read the terrific testimonials 👉

My aim is to transform the education community by removing existing barriers - to enable ALL children to learn - and HELP OTHER TUTORS TO DO THE SAME!

Judy Brice smiling

The ‘Introduction to Maths Anxiety' Course comprises the following:

❇️ Over 60 minutes of helpful and insightful video content which will enable you to implement strategies straight away with your pupils

❇️ Thoughtful prompts and quizzes will help you develop the concepts to fit your business and your pupils 

Deeper Dive into Maths Anxiety Course
Deeper Dive into Maths Anxiety Course

The 'Deeper Dive into Maths Anxiety' course comprises: 

  • Over 90 minutes of further helpful and insightful video content 
  • Thoughtful prompts and quizzes which will help you develop the concepts to fit your business and your pupils 
  • More strategies that I successfully use with my pupils, and I go into much more depth about some of the ones in the Introduction to Maths Anxiety. 

This course has a prerequisite of having bought the Introduction course first. If you have already purchased the Introduction course, you will have an email with a voucher for 40% off the price, so you pay less than £30. If you can't find the code, email us at, and we can resend you the email!

Maths Anxiety Bundle
Maths Anxiety Bundle

And the great news is that you can buy the Introduction and Deeper Dive to Maths Anxiety Course Bundle for £98!

So, if you are interested in buying both courses at the same time, this is the way to do it!

These training courses are for you if:

✔️ You are a Tutor working for yourself.
✔️ You are committed to improving your knowledge and skills. 
✔️ You are interested in finding out more about helping support struggling learners who don't fit the norm.
✔️ You are proactive and want to be able to take actionable steps and strategies to start to help your pupils straight away.
✔️ You want to be able to learn at your own pace in a modular online course.
✔️ You may wish to participate in some live online training.
✔️ You would prefer to be trained by someone who is actually Neurodiverse themself and also has first-hand experience with Maths Anxiety.

Using manipulatives to teach Maths more effectively

This is the first in a series of short courses in which you will learn more about teaching Maths in a more visual and practical way using manipulatives and virtual manipulatives.

❌ This course is not for you if you have been teaching/tutoring extensively using manipulatives or picturals already. This is only an introductory course.
❌ This course is not for you if you have taken level 3 or 5 training in Dyscalculia. This is only an introductory course.

Want to know how to use these to help support your pupils more effectively?

During this course, you will learn the following:

  • The basic methods of utilising manipulatives, whether you teach face-to-face or online
  • A whistle-stop tour of the most frequently used manipulatives and where to find them
  • Pros and cons of using various manipulatives
  • How to blend your delivery methods between face-to-face, on a camera, in an app, or pasted and tailored to your needs in BitPaper.
  • A variety of manipulatives to teach at 3 different levels of mathematical concepts.
    Basic numbers sense, middle or higher level.

So regardless of what age range you teach, there are suitable manipulatives to help bring maths to life and enable all children to learn.

This course includes:

  • Over 45 minutes of helpful and insightful video content which will enable you to implement strategies straight away with your pupils
  • 5 sets of tasks to practice using manipulatives to fit your business and your pupils

This training course is for you if:

✔️ You have little to no previous experience teaching either in the classroom, tutoring in person or online using manipulatives and the CPA method of practical and visual methods.

❌ This course is not for you if you have been teaching/tutoring extensively using manipulatives or picturals already. This is only an introductory course.
❌ This course is not for you if you have taken level 3 or 5 training in Dyscalculia. This is only an introductory course.

❔This course may still be suitable for you if, whilst you have taught in the classroom with CPA schemes of work such as White Rose Maths, you are unsure how to continue to use manipulatives in a tuition setting, particularly online.

✔️ You are committed to improving your knowledge and skills. 
✔️ You are interested in finding out more about helping support struggling learners who don't fit the norm.
✔️ You are proactive and want to be able to take actionable steps and strategies to start to help your pupils straight away.
✔️ You want to be able to learn at your own pace in a modular online course.
✔️ You may wish to participate in some live online training.
✔️ You would prefer to be trained by someone who is actually Neurodiverse themself and also has first-hand experience with Maths Anxiety.

About me

Judy Brice

The training has been developed by me, Judy Brice, mainly based on sessions that I have delivered as accredited CPD workshops to Tutors and Teachers. They highlight how to help the children who are most in need of this support.

Over twenty years of educational experience as a qualified Primary Teacher, as a Private Tutor and as a parent of a Neurodiverse child has helped me fine-tune the tips and strategies that I successfully utilised, first with my own classes and nowadays with my tutees.

The content also comes from my own personal experience as a Neurodiverse adult whose needs were not met as a child.

I myself have undergone many training courses in this field, including ones from the British Dyslexia Association, The Dyscalculia Association, The University of Chester, and Qualified Tutor.

Learn from a very experienced Tutor; you can trust me to help you learn how to open up the world of Maths to those children you previously may not have been able to help. Be able to bring down some of the learning barriers they currently have.

By taking the modular courses, you, too, will be able to support Neurodiverse children and their families with specialist tuition - empowering them to have high aspirations and unlock their potential.

Want to see some of the content from the first 5 courses?

These are a few slides from the presentations in the Maths Anxiety, Neurodiversity Maths and Manipulatives courses.

Jackpot Maths and Jackpot Maths Boxes are part of JMB Educational Services Ltd