Tag: Executive Functions

My Exclusive Priority Grids: Yours for Free

My Exclusive Priority Grids: Yours for Free

Explore the Priority Grid system, a method tailored for effective task management. Crafted for both personal use and my coaching clients, this system is a blend of proven techniques to simplify task organisation. It offers a clear, structured approach to managing tasks, especially for those dealing with Executive Functioning issues. Receive a comprehensive guide with our exclusive PDF grids and step-by-step instructions for daily task prioritisation.

Time’s Up: Exploring the Relationship Between Time Pressure, Stress, and Maths Anxiety

Time’s Up: Exploring the Relationship Between Time Pressure, Stress, and Maths Anxiety

Time pressure and stress can have a profound impact on a student’s performance in maths, often leading to what we call ‘maths anxiety.’ This blog post uncovers the neuroscience behind maths anxiety and the effects of cortisol on the brain’s prefrontal cortex, the command centre for our executive functions. We discuss the implications of cognitive overload and chronic stress on maths learning, while also offering strategies to build resilience against maths anxiety. Moreover, it highlights the importance of creating a supportive, pressure-free learning environment and rethinking traditional notions of speed in maths. Dive into this comprehensive exploration of maths anxiety, and discover the role of neuroscience in shaping better maths learning experiences.

Your Voice Matters: You + Me = win a 60 Minute Mentoring Call. May 2023 Newsletter

Your Voice Matters: You + Me = win a 60 Minute Mentoring Call. May 2023 Newsletter

Discover valuable insights and win a 60-Minute Mentoring Call by sharing your thoughts on growing your business as an educator/tutor. Dive into engaging blog posts on Maths Anxiety, Cognitive Flexibility, and the transformative power of AI in education. Join us at Jackpot Maths and make a difference in inclusive learning environments for Neurodiverse students.

Adapting to Change: The Role of Cognitive Flexibility in Our Neurodiverse World

Adapting to Change: The Role of Cognitive Flexibility in Our Neurodiverse World

Cognitive Flexibility, a critical Executive Function, empowers our ability to think creatively and adapt to changing circumstances. This ability impacts our daily life significantly, particularly for the neurodiverse community. With the potential of Neuroplasticity, however, we can work to enhance this function and better navigate our increasingly complex world.

Strengthening Working Memory for Neurodiverse Individuals: Strategies and Tips

Strengthening Working Memory for Neurodiverse Individuals: Strategies and Tips

Executive Functioning plays a critical role in our daily lives, particularly Working Memory, which can be a challenge for Neurodiverse individuals. In this post, I provide strategies for strengthening working memory, such as lessening cognitive load, providing extra time, and engaging in mindfulness. By implementing these techniques, Neurodiverse children and adults can improve their working memory, leading to greater confidence and success in daily tasks.

Mastering Your Brain’s Cogs: How Executive Functions Impact Your Life

Mastering Your Brain’s Cogs: How Executive Functions Impact Your Life

Executive Functions are the cogs behind cognitive skills that enable individuals to plan, organise, initiate, monitor, and adapt to goal-directed behaviours.
These skills are critical for academic and workplace success, but individuals with neurodiversities such as ADHD, Autism, or Dyslexia may struggle with one or more aspects of executive Functioning. This can make daily life, studying, and work more challenging.
However, understanding and supporting executive functions can make a world of difference in Neurodiverse individuals’ ability to succeed despite the difficulties. Learn more in our latest blog post, “Mastering Your Brain’s Cogs: How Executive Functions Impact Your Life.” #ExecutiveFunctions #Neurodiversity #Dyslexia #ADHD #Autism #CognitiveSkills #AcademicSuccess #WorkplaceSuccess #Neuroplasticity