Category: Blog

Strengthening Working Memory for Neurodiverse Individuals: Strategies and Tips

Strengthening Working Memory for Neurodiverse Individuals: Strategies and Tips

Executive Functioning plays a critical role in our daily lives, particularly Working Memory, which can be a challenge for Neurodiverse individuals. In this post, I provide strategies for strengthening working memory, such as lessening cognitive load, providing extra time, and engaging in mindfulness. By implementing these techniques, Neurodiverse children and adults can improve their working memory, leading to greater confidence and success in daily tasks.

Mastering Your Brain’s Cogs: How Executive Functions Impact Your Life

Mastering Your Brain’s Cogs: How Executive Functions Impact Your Life

Executive Functions are the cogs behind cognitive skills that enable individuals to plan, organise, initiate, monitor, and adapt to goal-directed behaviours.
These skills are critical for academic and workplace success, but individuals with neurodiversities such as ADHD, Autism, or Dyslexia may struggle with one or more aspects of executive Functioning. This can make daily life, studying, and work more challenging.
However, understanding and supporting executive functions can make a world of difference in Neurodiverse individuals’ ability to succeed despite the difficulties. Learn more in our latest blog post, “Mastering Your Brain’s Cogs: How Executive Functions Impact Your Life.” #ExecutiveFunctions #Neurodiversity #Dyslexia #ADHD #Autism #CognitiveSkills #AcademicSuccess #WorkplaceSuccess #Neuroplasticity

Embracing Neurodiversity: Lessons from the Dyslexia Show

Embracing Neurodiversity: Lessons from the Dyslexia Show

Attending the Dyslexia Show at the Birmingham NEC was an eye-opening experience, filled with insightful seminars addressing Neurodiversity and strategies for self-acceptance. Inspirational speakers like Natalie Brooks and Armalle McGeachie shared their expertise on thriving with Dyslexia and fostering a supportive company culture. This blog post delves into valuable takeaways, such as focusing on high-value tasks, leveraging Dyslexic strengths, and embracing flexibility in the workplace.

Using Coloured Counters to Teach Prime Numbers: My Experience at MathsConf31

Using Coloured Counters to Teach Prime Numbers: My Experience at MathsConf31

In March, I had the pleasure of attending MathsConf31, an annual conference organized by La Salle Complete Maths. One of the sessions that stood out to me was Jason Gottfried’s presentation on using coloured counters to teach prime numbers, which was both inspiring and innovative. As a tutor, I found it extremely useful in engaging my students and making math fun. I was even invited to talk about my experience on Dave Taylor’s Teaching Together podcast.

Different, Not Defective: Celebrating Neurodiversity in a Neurotypical World.

Different, Not Defective: Celebrating Neurodiversity in a Neurotypical World.

Celebrate your Neurodiversity and embrace your unique differences. Being Neurodiverse in a society designed for Neurotypical individuals can often feel like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Societal norms and expectations may not align with the way our minds work, leading to a host of challenges.

Celebrating Neurodiversity: Understanding Dyslexia and the Importance of Assistive Technology and Support

Celebrating Neurodiversity: Understanding Dyslexia and the Importance of Assistive Technology and Support

Join us in celebrating Neurodiversity and the unique talents and strengths of individuals with neurological differences. Discover the importance of assistive technology, including speech-to-text conversion and audiobooks, in helping those with Dyslexia to succeed. Learn about Executive Functions and the impact of Dyslexia beyond just English. Explore the importance of understanding and support for those who are Neurodiverse, and embrace self-acceptance for success. Join the movement and celebrate Neurodiversity with us!

Embracing Neurodiversity: A Journey from Struggling Student to Successful Entrepreneur

Embracing Neurodiversity: A Journey from Struggling Student to Successful Entrepreneur

Embracing Neurodiversity: A Journey from Struggling Student to Successful Entrepreneur
Discover the empowering story of a dyslexic individual who overcame the struggles of neurodiversity and found success in their own unique way. Learn about the advancements in assistive technology and resources that can support children with neurodiverse needs and help them avoid falling through the cracks. Embrace neurodiversity as a superpower and take the first step towards unlocking your potential with our inspiring blog post.

Maximizing Student Success: Strategies for Maths Tutors Dealing with Maths Anxiety

Maximizing Student Success: Strategies for Maths Tutors Dealing with Maths Anxiety

Empowering the Next Generation of Maths Tutors: A Guide to Overcoming Maths Anxiety. As a seasoned Maths Tutor Trainer, I am sharing my expertise and passion to help new tutors make a meaningful impact in their pupils’ lives. Learn five broad approaches for supporting students with maths anxiety and turn maths into a fun and engaging subject. Visit for more resources and information. Help every child reach their full potential in Maths!

True or False? …

True or False? …

True or false? Practical resources are only useful in EYFS or KS1. There is no need to use them with older children…

If you have been in my world for any length of time, you may already be aware that I most definitely disagree!
Say goodbye to the limited view that practical resources are only effective in the early stages of education!
Get ready to elevate your teaching of mathematics to children of all ages with the help of manipulatives. The use of tools such as unit blocks, Cuisenaire Rods, Base Ten (Diene’s Blocks), counters, and pattern blocks is no longer reserved for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) or Key Stage 1 (KS1).
These hands-on and interactive materials can ignite a passion for mathematical thinking in children, bringing abstract concepts to life.
The higher the use of concrete and pictorials in primary and secondary schools, the more successful and satisfied the students become.

I don’t know about you, but…

I don’t know about you, but…

I don’t know about you, but when I was first tutoring, I often felt unsure if I was doing the right thing with my pupils. I had a very high level of built-in chronic self-doubt.

I gradually learned to trust my abilities again and not constantly doubt my decisions. This helped me be more confident in my teaching methods and not feel so uncertain about my tutoring ability. 

So, what can I do to help support you?

If you’re looking for ways to support yourself as a new tutor and navigate a smoother transition, I offer a range of New Tutor Coaching Packages.

Creating great games from 1 idea!

Creating great games from 1 idea!

How can I think of simple but great games to use to teach Maths?

That’s a question Tutors often ask me when I mentor them.

Maths Tutors often find being creative with their ideas tricky. I mean, we are Maths Tutors, not English or Art, aren’t we? That’s not really how we are, is it?

Well, I have some pointers to help you with this straight away!