Join Our Priority Waiting List and Share Your Feedback in Our Client Survey

Hello and welcome to Jackpot Maths – the heart of quality education

I’m Judy Brice, the founder of Jackpot Maths, and my mission is to deliver the best and most engaging educational experience possible. To make this happen, I need your help.

Judy Brice smiling

I’ve set up a Client Feedback Survey, and I’m inviting you to take part. This is your chance to share your thoughts about the services I provide, like webinars, workshops, online courses, coaching programmes, and resources. I want to know what you like, what could be better, and how I can tailor my services to better meet your needs.

Complete our survey and you will be entered into a draw to win a complimentary mentoring call.

To thank you for your time and feedback, I’m offering a little extra incentive. Complete the survey, and you’ll be entered into a draw for a free mentoring call with me. It’s a great opportunity for us to dig deeper into your educational aspirations and discuss how Jackpot Maths can support you.

Participation is simple. Just click the link below, fill out the survey, and leave your email address so I can contact you if you’re the lucky winner.

Thanks for being part of the Jackpot Maths community. With your feedback, we can make sure it’s the best it can be. Let’s shape the future of education together!


Judy Brice, Jackpot Maths

Share Your Feedback in Our Client Survey

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Note: It is our responsibility to protect your privacy and we guarantee that your data will be completely confidential.