Training Tutors for Excellence and Business Success

Welcome to Jackpot Maths!

Who Am I?

You’re committed to providing high-quality maths tuition, and I’m committed to helping you do it even better! My mission is to empower Maths Tutors like you with the focused training and business guidance you need.

Judy Brice smiling. Welcome to Jackpot Maths

I am Judy Brice. I founded JMB Educational Services Ltd, under which I run my own tuition services. I specialise in teaching maths to children with Maths Anxiety and those who are Neurodivergent. I also run the Tutor service section called Jackpot Maths.

I want you and your students to feel like you’ve hit the jackpot with the help, advice, training and support services I provide.

Why Choose Me

My unique blend of teaching experience and business & technical flair sets me apart. With years as an online maths tutor and a former classroom teacher, I’ve developed methods that are especially effective for Neurodivergent students. If you’re looking to enhance your tutoring skills and grow your business, especially if you’re Neurodivergent yourself, you’re in the right place.

Proven Experience: Leverage my years of teaching and tutoring to your benefit.

Specialised Training: My training courses are tailored to help you teach Neurodivergent students more effectively.

Specialised Coaching and Mentoring: As someone who has faced and overcome the challenges of being Neurodivergent and self-employed, I understand what you’re going through.

My New Offering: Tutor Business Mentoring & Training Membership 

I’m excited to announce my Tutor Business Mentoring & Training Membership subscription service. This service aims to offer you ongoing support in both teaching excellence and business management. It is a valuable stepping stone to my more comprehensive programmes, designed to amplify your impact and income.

Find Out More Under My Coaching Menu

Tutor Business Mentoring & Training Membership 

More services…

Live Business Training Sessions

If you want to dip your toe into my training, why not book yourself onto the next session focusing on running a small, solopreneur tutoring business? These live training sessions are business-focused and aim to help tutors run their independent tutoring businesses effectively. To see the upcoming events and book your place, head to

For more information, head to

Onboarding Challenge for Tutors

Launching later in 2024, Dive into user-friendly software solutions that can streamline and improve your customer’s journey, making onboarding smooth and efficient for both tutors and students. Many tutors have asked for this service, and I have supported previous clients in implementing it, but now I am developing a programme for others to follow, too.

Discover Your Tutoring Strengths

Embark on an expanded programme that helps you identify your unique niche and attract your ideal client. I will be running this programme again soon, but this time over a much longer period to give you more time to implement your new ideas between coaching calls.
A journey of self-discovery to reawaken your unique teaching strengths and unearth what truly brings you joy. This exploration allows you to carve out a niche that enriches your life and attracts clients who will truly value your expertise.

Other Services

Training Courses

I’m revamping my evergreen online training courses to offer you even more value. These will soon be available in various formats, from eBooks to interactive sessions, and will be rolling out over the next year.

Unravelling the Mystery of Maths Anxiety in Students & Crafting Optimum Solutions for More Effective Teaching 
Gain insights into the root causes of Maths Anxiety in students. Equip yourself with strategies to craft a more engaging and understanding teaching environment. 

Understanding Dyscalculia & Neurodiversity: Adapting and Transforming Your Maths Teaching: 
Deepen your understanding of Neurodiverse learning needs. Enhance your teaching techniques to ensure all students get the best learning experience possible. 

An Introduction to Making Maths Accessible: Embracing Teaching Using Manipulatives to Support Neurodiverse Minds 
Discover the power of manipulatives in teaching Neurodiverse students. Grasp their role in aiding Neurodiverse learners and making mathematical concepts more tangible.

Additional Services

I am also putting the finishing touches to a comprehensive pricing structure that itemises many of my current services in a clear and transparent pricing structure, ensuring transparent and straightforward ways for you to engage with me and for me to support you in an easy-to-understand format. Check back soon to see how you can work with me in the future.

Ready to Transform Your Tutoring Business?

Whether you want to refine your teaching methods or develop your business acumen, I’m here to support you. Don’t put off the growth your tutoring business deserves.

If you would like to discuss Coaching, Mentoring, training or the membership scheme and have further questions, please book a free call with me: