Your Time Matters: Smarter, More Focused Updates Ahead!

June Newsletter – Stay tuned for more frequent focused updates, exciting new coaching services, and improved email settings. 

Switching Things Up a Bit: 

Based on feedback, I’ve heard from several of you that shorter, more frequent updates might work better. So, starting this month, you may have noticed that you have received a quick blog email from me every Wednesday. This way, you’ll have a bite-sized focused blog to read each week. 

Of course, our end-of-the-month catch-up isn’t going anywhere. You’ll still get it every month, but it’ll be shorter and focus on other ideas, updates and musings. 

New, Tailored Services on the Horizon: 

I’ve been busy creating new, targeted training and coaching services based on your feedback. These services will tackle specific challenges you’re facing right now, either subject-specific issues in Maths or business management.

Depending on the topic, you can look forward to either one-to-one or group coaching sessions with high accountability. Alongside the coaching, you’ll receive comprehensive workbooks, training, tasks, and access to a supportive community via a private LinkedIn group. More details will follow in the coming weeks.

Flexible Email Preferences: 

Now, I know how frustrating it can be to be bombarded with emails about things you’re not interested in. You buy one thing, and you’re suddenly caught in a deluge of daily emails, right? I want to ensure that doesn’t happen here. 

So, I’m working on a feature where you can opt out temporarily from emails about specific themes or services. This means you can avoid emails about something that’s not quite your cup of tea without missing out on everything else. I’ll make sure this is as easy as clicking a link at the bottom of an email. More on this soon!

Guess who won a free Bonus Mentoring Call? Emma and Kimberley

If you missed the announcements on social media about the winner of the free draw, there was a twist…I decided to draw two winners!

They were Emma and Kimberley. I am looking forward to meeting them very soon. 

Thank you to every one of you who entered by filling out the survey. Your ideas are helping to shape the future. 

As always, I appreciate your feedback and support. It helps me continually evolve and provide you with the value you deserve. If you have any queries about these changes, don’t hesitate to get in touch. 

Looking forward to our continued journey together. 

Best wishes, Judy

Judy Brice smiling

p.s. 🌟If you want a sneak peek at the first new style offer that will run in August, follow this link to take a look. 👈👈

10 days to discover your tutoring strengths coaching programme
Focused Updates

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