Your Voice Matters: You + Me = win a 60 Minute Mentoring Call. May 2023 Newsletter

Hello everyone!

Tell me what you think, 

And don’t hold back!

I might even reward you… (seriously, I will reward you… details below.)

I’m reaching out to get your unfiltered opinion on growing your business as an educator/tutor. What’s working? And what’s not?

Your feedback is invaluable in helping me provide you with the best experience possible. I want to hear your thoughts, whether it’s the content I share on social media and newsletters, the topics covered in my training courses, coaching calls or the overall community. 

Check this out…

Fill out this survey, and I’ll enter you into a raffle (see, I told you there’s a prize for your time 😊). >>> click here   

So what am I giving away, you ask?

A new red Porsche? An all-expense round-the-world trip? 

Although I’m not giving away fancy cars or extravagant trips, I am giving away at least one 60-Minute Mentoring Call with me, one-on-one. 

I will share some of the best business tips and growth strategies I’ve learned over the last 12 years while growing my tuition and training business. 

Knowing what I now know, what would I do differently as the market and technology have changed? 

No need to fall into any of the traps I did. I have a wealth of experience and would love to share it with you. With my experience, I can help you avoid common pitfalls and guide you towards success in today’s market, considering the changes in technology and industry trends.

It’s a full hour where you can ask me ANYTHING you want about how you can develop any of the techniques in the courses you have taken/are taking, how you can start working on your business in your zone of genius and stop working on the time-consuming stuff that leaves you

feeling frustrated and stuck. 

So whether you would like to use the time to pick my brains about Neurodiversity, Maths Anxiety or the ins and outs of using manipulatives when you teach or something more to do with running your business, that is fine by me, nothing is off limits.

I guarantee you’ll be blown away by what we accomplish in 60 minutes AND how many more people you can touch and impact after we talk.

🗓️If you win, you’ll hear from me on the 10th of June. 🗓️

Complete our survey and enter a raffle to win a mentoring call

Answer ten questions now to win.  >>> click here  

I recommend using a laptop or PC for the best experience, as there are sections where you need to type in text, which is fiddly on a mobile device. 💻

Thank you for your time and participation. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

BTW, your odds of winning are pretty good. Many people skip these surveys, so your chances are higher than you think. 

To your success!

p.s. The winners will be selected through a random number generator, and the odds of winning depend on the number of survey responses we receive. 🎰

p.p.s. Those of you who have already completed the survey are already in the draw, even if you submitted it last month before I said I would include a raffle. 

This month, I’ve been on a writing spree again, and I’m thrilled to share not one, not two, but three hopefully fascinating articles with you! Get ready to be inspired and empowered as we explore some exciting topics:

Battling Maths Anxiety: Prepare to be amazed as I reveal an unconventional method of conquering Maths Anxiety. This blog takes you on a journey where a Neurodiverse student’s passion for snakes leads to a remarkable role reversal—the student becomes the expert! Discover the transformative power of adaptability, empathy, and connecting with students based on their interests. Don’t miss out on this extraordinary story. 

Read the full blog post 🔗 “Battling Maths Anxiety with… Snakes?

Cognitive Flexibility: Are you ready to unlock your creative potential and adapt to any situation life throws at you? This blog will blow your mind with an insightful exploration of Cognitive Flexibility—a critical executive function. Learn how it influences our daily lives, especially for individuals on the Autism spectrum or with ADHD or Dyslexia. Discover the promising power of Neuroplasticity and how it can supercharge your cognitive abilities. Get ready to embrace change and thrive! 

Read the full blog post 🔗 “Adapting to Change: The Role of Cognitive Flexibility in Our Neurodiverse World

box analogy

AI as an Ally: Brace yourself for a fascinating glimpse into the future of education. This blog delves into how AI can revolutionise learning, promoting equity and justice. We’ll explore how assistive technology can address individual learning needs and create inclusive classrooms. Discover AI’s immense potential in reshaping education and leveling the playing field for all students. It’s time to embrace this powerful tool for social change! Read the full blog post 🔗 “AI as an Ally: Transforming Education through Equity and Justice – Jackpot Maths” 

Get ready to be inspired, motivated, and equipped with valuable insights from these articles. Don’t miss the opportunity to empower yourself and make a difference in education. Click through and immerse yourself in knowledge that will transform your perspective and approach. Let’s embark on this exciting journey together. Happy reading! 😊

check the date

Don’t forget that the next La Salle Complete Maths #MathsConf32 is in Derby.

If you want to attend the next conference, mark your calendars for Saturday, June 24th, in Derby. You can get your tickets here. These conferences are excellent value for money, and I hope to see you there!

👉Please do remember to click through to answer the survey, by doing so you will enable me to support you better.🙏

As we bid farewell to this month’s newsletter, I want to express my appreciation for your time and engagement. I hope you’ve enjoyed diving into the information as much as I enjoyed putting it together for you! 

At Jackpot Maths, we’re all about providing an exceptional experience. So, if you ever stumble upon any bumps along the way- be it website quirks, voucher code or access issues to our courses – please don’t hesitate to reach out. Louise and I are here to swiftly assist you and ensure your journey is as smooth as possible. 

Oh, and before I forget! I’m always here for you. If you have burning questions or lingering concerns, know I’m just a call away. Book a free 15-minute chat with me, and we’ll tackle any topic you’d like to explore together.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your unwavering support here at Jackpot Maths. Your trust and enthusiasm mean the world to us! 

Wishing you a fantastic month ahead! 

Warmest regards, Judy Brice


p.s. This is a photo from my latest trip to Torquay, Paignton, Brixham, Dartmouth & Totnes this long Bank Holiday weekend with my son, parents, and aunt & uncle. 

Getting away from work and being near the sea and on the water always helps me. 😊

What do you like to do? Does water help you too?

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