10 Days to Discover Your Tutoring Strengths

Transform your tutoring business by finding your unique niche and attracting your ideal clients

Hello and welcome to Jackpot Maths – the heart of quality education training.

I’m Judy Brice, the founder of Jackpot Maths, and my mission is to deliver the best and most engaging educational experience possible.

Judy Brice smiling

10 Days to Discover Your Tutoring Strengths

Discover and harness your tutoring strengths with my specially designed 10-day coaching programme. This programme was developed in response to a recurring need identified in my general Coaching Calls and also feedback from a survey and Polls.

Mindset Shifts

Why Choose This Programme?

Tailored Solutions for Tutors Like You

Drawing on my experience in coaching numerous tutors, I’ve also recognised a recurring challenge faced by tutors like you β€” the struggle to stand out from the crowd, attract clients, and earn fair fees. I’ve helped many educators do this by discovering their unique strengths and beginning to carve their niche in the tutoring market.

I’ve developed the ’10 Days to Discover Your Tutoring Strengths’ Coaching Programme to address this specific pain point. Unlike my general coaching packages in which you pay for an hour of my time, this highly focused programme is designed to provide tailored solutions for tutors seeking to distinguish themselves in a competitive landscape.

Unleash Your Unique Potential

In this 10-day intensive journey, you will dive deep into self-discovery, uncovering your true strengths and teaching style. By defining and enhancing these strengths, you can carve out your unique niche in the broad and competitive tutoring market, just like I have successfully done. This differentiation is vital to stand out from the crowd and attract and retain the quality of clients you aspire to teach. Embrace this transformative journey and start shaping your tutoring service to its utmost potential today.

Personalised Strategies for Success

Through one-on-one coaching calls and detailed workpacks, you’ll receive personalised guidance tailored to your specific needs and goals. The Pre-Discovery Call Questionnaire will help us understand your challenges and expectations, maximising the effectiveness of our coaching calls. After each coaching call, you will receive an additional and updated, personalised version of the workpack detailing your next actionable steps. This accountability ensures that you stay on track and implement the strategies that resonate with your unique teaching approach.

Proven Results and Feedback

The success of this approach is proven through valuable feedback from tutors who have experienced transformative results. Many participants have reported gaining clarity on their niche, attracting higher-quality clients who value their expertise, and earning fair compensation for their services. By enrolling in this programme, you join a community of tutors who have taken control of their tutoring journey and achieved tangible business growth.

Choose this programme and embark on a journey towards greater recognition, confidence, and financial reward in your tutoring business.

Discover your tutoring strengths

10 Days to Discover Your Tutoring Strengths Coaching Programme

Introducing a unique opportunity for dedicated tutors to transform their tuition businesses and attract their dream clients. The ’10 Days to Discover Your Tutoring Strengths’ Coaching Programme is a carefully crafted, 10-day intensive program designed to help tutors identify and leverage their unique strengths, carve their niche in the tutoring market, and create a clear roadmap for attracting ideal clients.

It caters specifically to tutors like you seeking focused, strategic guidance on recognising and harnessing your inherent strengths as educators. By defining and enhancing these strengths, you can carve out your unique niche in the broad and competitive tutoring market, just like I have successfully done. This differentiation is vital to stand out from the crowd and attract and retain the quality of clients you aspire to teach. Embrace this transformative journey and start shaping your tutoring service to its utmost potential today.

If you’re a Maths Tutor looking to find your niche in the competitive world of professional tutoring, this programme is designed to provide you with the support you need.

Join now and take control of your tutoring journey!

A sneaky peek at some of the resources

What’s Included?

  • Pre-Discovery Call Questionnaire: An essential tool for both of us to understand your needs, challenges, and expectations, this will help to maximise the effectiveness of our coaching calls.
  • ’10 Days to Discover Your Tutoring Strengths’ Workpack: Detailed guide with prompts for reflection and action. Enhance clarity for your tuition business and general well-being. Receive a personalised version after each coaching call for your next steps.
  • Discovery Call and Blueprint Call: 2x 60-90 minute individual coaching calls on Zoom. Schedule to take place during the programme period. Understand and map out your tutoring journey.
  • Accountability Tasks: Tasks sent by email to ensure follow-through on your action steps.
  • WhatsApp and LinkedIn Support: Direct WhatsApp access for guidance and support throughout the programme and lifetime membership to the Jackpot Maths LinkedIn group for ongoing community support.

Programme Details

Dates: Tuesday, 1st August to Thursday, 10th August 2023

Platform: All coaching is conducted on Zoom

Target Audience: Tutors, particularly Maths Tutors, including Primary Tutors teaching English and Maths

Investment: Β£149 for the first BETA version (limited spaces available)

August 2023 Calendar

Limited-Time Offer

Launching this August, this programme comes with limited spaces. By reserving your spot early, you’ll gain access to this transformative journey and benefit from a special introductory price exclusive to this BETA run.
Places are strictly limited, so I can dedicate my time to fully supporting those lucky forward-thinking tutors and enabling everyone to maximise the potential results and have the best experience possible.

This early version of our programme offers affordable coaching services that you can take advantage of. Just a heads-up, the next time I run this programme, the cost will be quite a bit higher.

The course enrolment will follow a first-come, first-served model.

Don’t miss the chance to join the BETA version at the introductory price of Β£149. Future programmes will not be at this price again.

Join Today and Transform Your Tutoring Business!

Take control of your tutoring journey and invest in yourself. Unlock your full potential as a tutor, attract ideal clients, and enjoy financial stability. This is your opportunity to create a fulfilling and successful tutoring business. 

Sign up now and secure your spot!

What to do next:

Sign up now and secure your spot!

10 Days to Discover Your Tutoring Strengths infographic
What is included? Infographic
More about the programme infographic

More Questions?

If you still have any questions, please email me at info@jackpotmaths.com, and I will help.